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GET Assets

To list all assets in your account call GET /api/asset:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN'

Request path & query params

Retrieve an Asset

Retrieves the details of an Asset that has previously been imported or uploaded. Supply the unique Asset ID that was returned from your previous request, and Livepeer will return the corresponding Asset information.

curl --location --request GET '$ASSET_ID' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN'

Response Example

"id": "$ASSET_ID",
"hash": [
"hash": "61b42e9371c1d29a9b99a7f62621e584",
"algorithm": "md5"
"hash": "b3b5891d6f0767012706fc8548f397b38876d309ca90689314c94615fb4c6e62",
"algorithm": "sha256"
"name": "Example name",
"size": 52615193,
"status": "ready",
"userId": "$USER_ID",
"createdAt": 1644546528636,
"updatedAt": 1644546541218,
"videoSpec": {
"format": "mp4",
"duration": 309.986393
"playbackId": "$PLAYBACK_ID",
"downloadUrl": "$PLAYBACK_ID/video"

NOTE Notice that, by default, the asset comes without the audio and video tracks specification. You can pass ?details=true as an additional parameter to the request to get the videoSpec with the tracks included.